Demand Management Water Restrictions

Mulching protects the soil in the same way that sunblock protects our skin. It also maintains moisture, improves soil and reduces weeds, so it's an easy waterwise solution that has multiple benefits.

The issue

All Queensland towns have plans to deal with drought - and floods. People often forget that treated water can be scarce during flood events, even though they may be surrounded by water! The level of restrictions are set based on supply levels for your region.

What can you do?

Find your local water service provider to see if any restrictions are in place.

Did you know?

While 71% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, only 1% is accessible freshwater suitable for human use.

The Great Artesian Basin is one of the largest aquifers in the world. It underpins $13 billion in economic output annually and services 76 communities in Queensland.

Many parts of Queensland have been suffering ongoing drought conditions for more than a decade. This was ironically interrupted by a devastating flood! Even when water is plentiful in some places, others will be in drought. This map shows the latest drought situation in Queensland.