Automated Metering/ Digital Utilities Workshop and EOI for Leakage Workshop in May

Automated Metering/ Digital Utilities Workshop and EOI for Leakage Workshop in May

Automated Metering/ Digital Utilities Workshop and EOI for Leakage Workshop in May
Date: 29-Jun-2017

We received very positive feedback from the workshop held on 16 February.  Thanks again to the excellent speakers and discussion leaders from Unitywater, Cairns Regional Council, Townsville City Council, Queensland Urban Utilities, Mackay Regional Council and City of Gold Coast.  There was significant diversity in the cases presented and interesting analyses of the business drivers for digital utility solutions.  21 qldwater members were represented, with some latecomers having to be turned away due to the room capacity of 80.  Presentations will be made available to participants in the members-only section of our web site soon, and our report capturing the cases, business drivers, risks and benefits will be available in the next few weeks.

Our Technical Reference Group met on the following day to respond to some of the future needs identified during the workshop.  These includes an improved understanding of communications issues (i.e. where various telcos and technologies are heading) and a desire to better be able to value “intangibles” when developing a business case.  Based on technology alone, most cases demonstrated only marginal benefit.  However the presentations reflected that the knowledge gained to support planning decisions from well-analysed data, and the potential for building a better customer relationship through these solutions, were clear benefits that were difficult to measure.

At this stage we plan on including a session devoted to these topics (and customer engagement more broadly) at our Innovation Forum on 6/7 September.

The success of the workshop has prompted TRG to request another on a topic of common interest.  The intent is to hold the workshop prior to the next TRG meeting and we are seeking to determine whether there is enough support to warrant hiring a venue.  The costs are likely to be the same, approximately $100 per person to cover venue and catering.

Topic:  System leakage solutions

Date: 25 May, approximately 10am to 3pm

Format:  Up to 6 utility presentations on historical and current approaches to non-revenue water management, incorporating DMAs, other technologies used and possible future approaches.  We are yet to commence the invitation process and may be able to attract some other speakers.

If you are interested, please respond to by 6 March with:

-         Number of people likely to attend

-         Contact information so that we can send a short survey around prior to the event to target the program to your needs as far as possible.

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